Suspended Liscence in IL?

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Posted by Nathan in IL on December 05, 2002 at 16:54:49:

On my 21st birthday I went to renew my liscnece, and I was told they couldnt do it. They cheked it out and found my liscnece was suspended. I was a little surprised. I have gotten 2 speeding tickets in the past 5 years, that happend to be 19 months apart, and 2 month before my 21st birthday. At the time I was at the DMV I had allready been on suspenshion for a few days. So Obviously I got whatever legal advice I could get (for free I'm college student). I spoke to my schools paralegal and she told me I could attempt to vacate a previous ticket that i had gotten a month and a half ago. but I needed to contact and attorney in the city I got the Citation. So.. I spoke with an attourney he said he could make a motion and that I had a decent chance of getting it vacted and getting court supervisoin. Time that would take.. about a month. So.. What about a provisional liscence? Time to get 1-2 months. I never recived a notice due to military, school and change of adresses, and the state refused to send me one when I asked and said I needed to fill out some paperwork to and pay for it. Time for that 2 weeks minumim. Thats not gonna fly for me. There is no reasonable circumstance i can obide by my suspenshion. I drive for the military national guard.. which without doing, I will loose tuition and gi bill. I live 300 miles away from my school, which I will be leaving for break on. Also I must attend military drill, and functions, including driving which requres an IL liscence. All within the minimum 1 month it would take to make any progress. Drill for me is 160 miles away from school and home.. right in the middle. I have two things on my record.. one ticket for 10-14 over one for 11-15 over. Thats it. not drinking no parking no nothing. Spaced at a year and a half. So now i am being told if I serve my country which i am requred by law, and by practical nature in order to allow me to get a public education, I will be arrested and fined up to $25,000 and spend up to a year in jail. My decision up to this point is to continue with no action. I refuse to spend $400 to get an ticket vacted and not drive for the minimum 1 month while it is taken care of. After the ticket is taken care of I will have served half of my suspenshion. I have military awards and certificates for safe driving, i have never been in an accident or broken any other laws. My question is, what happens if I get pulled over during my suspenshion? Is there a hardship plea where i could contest that the suspenshion was impossible for me to abide by? if not? What would a predicted outcome of me being arrested for driving while suspended be? If I could I would do 40 years of Community service to allow me to continue living my life as a student, and serving my country. But apparently i could be put in prison for two speeding tickets. Addional suspenshion would not allow me to live a life even similar to what I am accustomed. I could not offord school, I would be an unessesary burden on friends and family, and Most likely have a bit of trouble findign a job I can walk to. How is it possible that I can be put in jail and my life, finacial status, and criminal record be destroyed? What can I do? Now, and when and if I get pulled over for driving while undersuspenshion?

My thanks for offering any openions and sugestions to my situation

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