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Statutes and Laws  Governing  Records Relief by Expungement

by State and Federal Zones -TENNESSEE

(Note: Laws change -advise us of updates to keep this infomation current)

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For the applicaion of these and related laws see 
"EXPUNGEMENTS 3rd Edition" - Freedom form the Disability of a Legal Record 

Every state that has criminal records on file is subject to having such records cleared and removed as the law allows. The  states that  do not address expungements, sealing or other types of relief to clear a record require filings under law and legal protection of and under the Constitution for the united States of America. Specifically under the 4th, 5th  and 14th Amendments. Everyone has a right to be free of a legal record with few and rare exceptions - let no one tell you otherwise. See   Expungements 3rd Ed.


Right to Inspect & Obtain Record: 40-15-106; 40-32-101; 40-35-313; 10-7-506, 507; Regs. 1395-1-1-.08(1)(k)
Purging Conviction Information: None (See 40-35-313(b))
Purging Non-conviction Information: 40-15-106; 40-32-101
Sealing Non-conviction Information: None Sealing Conviction Information: 23A-27-14 and 17

For more Information Expungements and  Clearing the Legal Record